Monday, November 17, 2008

Bink's Gone Wild

Made you look. At first he said he would do a girls gone wild type of shot to show off his tank top, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera. Instead you get the mundane. He has developed two bald spots that we all speculate as to why they are there. And, he says he has more acne now than he has ever had in his life (from the lotion to keep his skin from cracking).

It's odd not to post every day after having done so for a while. Fortunately there is not a lot going on though. We have not made any return trips to the ER since last week and are hoping to keep it that way.

We do head to Allentown tomorrow for three appointments. It's funny we both would love to have doctor's closer to home, but at the same time feel it is a worthwhile drive knowing how good those in Allentown are. Bink's big hope for tomorrow is that he gets the OK to drive.

An update on my car theft stuff. Good news, I think. They caught the person who took the belongings from my car and when we are in Allentown, we are going to jump in to the police station in Bethlehem to claim my jackets and jewelry. I am pretty excited about that.

Updates hopefully tomorrow

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's great to see that Bink is doing so well. I hope that you get the news you are hoping for during your visits. It is also great to hear that they caught the guy who broke into your car. Best wishes