Tuesday, November 18, 2008


A little over two hours each way and three doctors appointments later and we are home again. Needless to say, we are both a bit tired at this point.

First appointment of the day was for the wrists. Bink was hoping to get cleared to drive, but alas it did not happen.  His wrists look good and he will begin rehab on them.  He no longer will have to wrap his wrists, but will have to keep the splints on.  We head back in three weeks for another evaluation.

Second appointment, burn recovery.  They felt that things were looking good.  Still a little more red than they thought he should be, but healing.  Back in three weeks for another follow-up on this one.  Looks like Bink will be starting scar therapy at that point.

Last appointment of the day was for his spine. We thought this would be a simple follow-up, but ended up learning that he had in fact broken his back (where the initial comment was a compression fracture).  The doc said that usually he would have been braced while still in the hospital, but the burns prevented this. The same still holds true.  Bink has to take it easy and we will return back to this doc after the first of the year for another evaluation. 

Today was not as good a day as some.  Bink was so excited about wanting to drive again and that didn't happen.  Compound that with news about his back and he was a little bummed.  But, we knew that that would be the case.  

Bink is in the market for hobbies to occupy his time, but we can't think of any.  If you have any suggestions, please share. 

Take care everyone.

B. & E.


Anonymous said...

Awww, man.
Sorry to hear the news!
If I were laid up that way, I think I would ask Mike to take me to the library so I had some books to read. You can rent movies there, too, for a buck or two, and they actually have some relatively new releases!
Maybe do some Christmas shopping online? Bake cookies? Wrap presents? These are the things that I do while Noah's asleep and I can't leave the house for three hours every day...
Hope things improve soon...

Anonymous said...

I think Bink should take up knitting. Oh wait, how would that work with his wrists?

Anonymous said...

Hey you! Marci gave me this link. I've been keeping up on yous guys, but hadn't written because you were no doubt outrageously busy with everything. You have been constantly in my prayers since the beginning. There's not much of anything I can do from here, but I thought I'd help out on the hobby/entertainment request.

I bestow upon you a few links I utilize at work for amusement. The second one is for when you get a little more finger and wrist mobility. Although I've been in wrist splints for the past week and done them. hehe




Love you guys, and keep up the spirits. Once you're through this, nothing will be able to keep you down!!!
-Kristie (Bryant) Milewski